Criminal Offense Character Assassination

Wanted as a criminal crime reporter :
Ivar Penris
Criminal acts:
1) Character assassination
2) Libel
3) Slander
Algemeen Dagblad/AD
Wanted as a Journalistic criminal
Iris Cohen
Criminal acts:
1) Character assassination
2) Libel,
3) Slender
4) She Cofabulates about an interview with a sexual abused mothter A.D. When the mother refused to coperate with Iris Cohen.
Mob: +31 6 30020475
De Telegraaf
Wanted as a newspaper reporter:
Criminal acts:
1) Character assassination
2) Libel
3) Slander
De Telegraaf
Wanted as a senior IGJ Inspector:
Criminal acts:
1) Blackmail of Nossbaum’s GP to violate his professional confidentiality. General practitioner J. van der H has therefore violated his professional confidentiality.
2) harassment
3) Libel
4) Slender
Stadsplateau 1
3521 AZ Utrecht
Postbus 2518
6401 DA Heerlen
Telefoonnummer 088 – 120 50 00