אנשים עשויים לחשוב שהם יכולים לכסות את פשעי הדמים שלהם בחול. אבל יום אחד הרוח תעיף את כל החול וטביעות הרגליים המדממות והעצובות יתגלו
People may think that they can cover their bloody crimes with sand. But one day the wind will blow away all the sand and the sad bloody footprints will become visible.
1. Contaminated Medicines
The IGJ deliberately keeping medicines factories in China for the Dutch pharmacies market open, despite it had been rejected by the Chinese authorities.
This fabric can still continue to make a number of cancer-causing medicines. See TV program Zembla’s broadcasts on YouTube most of the documentary is in English about the rejected Chinese medicines factory by China and the approval the persistence IGJ to continue to use cancer-causing contaminated raw polluted materials for medicines.
The motive of the IGJ is that generic medicines are produced very cheaply in China. It is macabre that the IGJ contributes to the development of cancer through medicines that are produced in China. The Health and Youth Care Inspectorate is therefore an institute that operates in a contradictio in terminis of what the name IGJ stands for.
Half of the Dutch population develop cancer (2024) in this already most overpopulated and seriously polluted country in Europe. In this Zembla broadcast, the IGJ is explicitly and compellingly named. The deliberate production of contaminated carcinogenic medicines, while the Chinese authorities wanted to close these factories, is bizarre, a serious offense against health care and humanity in the Netherlands and highly punishable.
The IGJ is the cradle of these 2 infamous generic medicinesbrands Teva and Mylan. Due to the shortage of global raw materials, many medicines are out of stock or no longer available cause of the So don’t accept in the Netherlands those two generic medicinesbrands. there is global a shortage of medical raw materials.
Due to the global shortage of medical raw materials and the cheapest purchasing policy by health insurers in the Netherlands, two carcinogenic substances have been found in Dutch generic medicines again in 2024. The emails to the IGJ remain unanswered.
Again, cancer has increased in the Netherlands from 1 of 3 to 1 of 2, 50% of the Dutch population has cancer or will get cancer. How can a patient be treated for cancer, if that medicine actually causes cancer? Answer: Calculated loss of patients by the IGJ and the health insurers. Only Mylan and Teva are reimbursed by all health care insurers!
2.1 The use of Permanent Fillers + Update 13 Januari 2025 Hyaluronacid nanoparticles
Worldwide, (also in the Netherlands used till 01/01/2015) use of permanent fillers which are probably neurotoxic and carcinogenic. The Non specialist M.D. (In the Netherlands basic doctors) call themself cosmetic doctors, but there is no BIG code for this (“specialism”). The IGZ(J) knew about the danger of these permanent fillers since the mid 90th but even allowed any person, like hairdressers, beauticians and laymen to inject permanent fillers into the anatomically very complex face. Based on article .38 of the IGZ (J). On 1 januari 2015 the Ministry of Health prohibited the use of permanent fillers in the Netherlands.
Filler-induced Psycho-Physical Syndrome: A new entity that may occur years after treatment with permanent fillers. ©®
There has been no financial support and there are no financial interests.
A new phenomenon, which we have seen in more then a dozen of patients years after treatment with permanent fillers, is described and called “Filler-induced Psycho-Physical Syndrome”. Three typical cases, that represent this typical manifestation with a cohort of symptoms, are extensively described: they all have a combination of typical psychological symptoms (compulsive disorders, anxiety, fear for light, suicidal, depression) combined with local physical problems (chronic inflammation , abscesses, and granuloma formation and destruction of their dentition).
In the nineties many types of permanent fillers, such as polymerised silicones, Bio-Alcamid, Artecoll and Dermalive were introduced on the cosmetic market to be used for wrinkle treatment and volume loss in the face (1-4). Early literature concerning the use of these permanent fillers reported good results with only minor complications (inflammation, late granuloma formation, infection and abscesses) that could be treated very easily (5-11). Very recently, a study of Schelke et al. (12) already considered the complication rate of such permanent fillers much higher than reported earlier: for Bioalcamid (polyalkylimide) the complication rate was even considered to be too high (4,8%) and too severe to be used for cosmetic purposes. More reports over time indicated that many permanent fillers may lead to devastating physical complaints that are very difficult to treat surgically.
We now wish to describe a new phenomenon we have seen in more then a dozen of patients we call “Filler-induced Psycho-Physical Syndrome”. Three cases that represent this manifestation with a cohort of symptoms we described.
Patients and Methods
In period 2010 – 2012 , we have seen 23 patients that have been treated with permanent fillers. They have been referred to the principle authors (S. N. ) by the Dutch Foundation called “Foundation of Victims of Cosmetic Doctors (SSCA foundation)” because they suffered from both physical and severe psychological symptoms. These patients have extensively been evaluated, studied (among other radiological techniques like MRI 2D and 3D and OPG) and mapped. We came to the conclusion that most of these patients had typical psychological symptoms (compulsive disorders, anxiety, fear for light, suicidal, depression) combined with local physical problems (chronic inflammation , abscesses, and granuloma formation and destruction of their dentition).
We now wish to present three cases in order to illustrate this “ typical psycho-physical syndrome” which we call “Filler-induced Psycho-Physical Syndrome”.
Thus far, we have seen 5 sub syndromes of this Filler-induced Psycho-Physical Syndrome:
- Filler induced GMF syndrome: filler induced Granuloma and Mass Formation with filler hardening, filler cracks and filler migration.
- Filler induced DOLAS syndrome: (Major Depressive Episode/Disorder, Single Episode DSM-IV 296.2x (F32.x), Obsessive, Lability, Compulsive Disorder DSM-IV OCD 300.30 (F42.8), Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified DSM-IV 300.00 (F41.9), Social Phobia DSMIV 300.23 (F40.1) Suicidal Thoughts (It is unclear whether this severe complaint is depression correlated).
- Filler induced FFOP syndrome: Filler induced Facial Oral Pain syndrome. Nerve V and VII.
- Filler induced FVECS syndrome: Filler induced Eye Vitreus Compromised syndrome.
- Filler induced DDRRC syndrome: Filler induced Dental Destructive Reverse Rapid Carius syndrome (sometimes including gingivitis and parodontitis).
- Filler induced PAIDT syndrome: Inflammetion Periapical Abcesses in different Teeth.
The FFOP, FVESC and DDRRC syndromes can manifest themselves depending on where the filler is injected. The gap between the permanent filler injections and DOLAS and RRDDC seems about six to seven years .
Case Reports
Case 1: Patient A had a “FPP syndrome” called “GMF and DOLAS syndrome” since 2010 six year after Bio Alcamid treatment in 2004: filler induced granuloma and mass formation combined with severe obsessive compulsive disorder, social phobic complains, feelings of depression.
Patient A is a 35-year old female patient, working as a data-processing scientist. She had a clean psychiatric history and no family psychiatric disorders. In 2004, because of some weight loss and facial fat atrophy around the eyes due to aging, she was treated by her Dermatologist with 2,5 ml Bio Alcamid bilaterally in the zygomatic region. At a later stage an additional 1 ml Bio Alcamid was injected bilaterally.
In 2010, she returned to the clinic of her Dermatologist because she had noticed that some parts of the filler had migrated towards the nose bridge and mouth angles (migration combined with swelling due to granuloma formation: GMF syndrome). The filler was then partly expressed by the dermatologist. The remnants of filler subsequently hardened and the dimples of the expressed spots were subsequently filled up with Restylane. Late in 2010, patient A developed the DOLAS syndrome. A severe obsession with how she looked in the mirror as well as a strong fear being in the spotlight had emerged. Because of her DOLAS symptoms, she contacted the foundation SSCA and was subsequently referred to us.
Given the serious DOLAS syndrome the patient was treated with Paroxetine 10 mg 1 dd 1 and was elevated under titration to 30 mg. Further the patient received Alprazolam 0.5 mg 2dd 1. Within two weeks she recovered of the psychiatric disorders and within six weeks all complaints had disappeared. She fully returned to her professional activities.
Case 2: Patient B with FFP syndrome had developed both GMF syndrome (see Fig. 1) as well as DOLAS, FFOP , FVECS and DDRRC syndromes in 2009, 5 years after Dermalive treatment in 2004:
Patient B is a 57 year old woman with a medical history of an osteotomy for correction of Angle Class II jaw relationship and no psychiatric history, nor psychiatric syndromes in her family.
In 2002 the patient underwent a bilateral neck and facelift with an acceptable result. Her plastic surgeon additional treated her in 2004 with 3 x 10 cc Dermalive at 25 sites in the face, including the nasiolabial folds, upper and lower lip, around the orbit and in the glabellar region. In 2009 the filler material started to harden and migrated to some extent in the surrounding tissues. In addition granulomas started to develop.
Since then the patient had an anesthetic feeling right under her lip and could not laugh by the pavements in her upper lip. She started to suffer from dry, watery, sore eyes. The ophthalmologist had no explanation for her complaints.
In the end the patient developed a severe DOLAS syndrome and made contact with the SSCA Foundation. The patient was referred to us for diagnosis and treatment.
The patient was adjusted with trespassing and titration to 10 mg Paroxetine 1 dd 3, Alprazolam 0.5 mg 2 dd ½.
Within four weeks, a metamorphosis took place. The patient again became talkative and all the DOLAS symptoms dissapeared. The disturbing symptoms of granuloma, FFOP, FVESC and DDRRC remained. Especially the complaints of the right eye severely disturbed and bothered the patient.
In 2010 the patient went to the dentist, large cavities in her teeth were found to have emerged. There was a severely parodontitis combined with significant gingivitis around the four implants, despite her daily oral hygiene, which was adequate. The dentist had no explanation for these serious complaints (see OPG in Figure 2).
In 2011, large parts of her fillers were removed, however not from the infraorbital region because of the risk of damaging the infra-orbital nerve. Clinically, she then remained stable since then.
Image 1
Image 2
Case 3: The patient C. GMF, DOLAS, FFOP, FVECS and DDRRC syndromes developed since 2002, due to injection with several unknown permanent fillers since 2000.
Patient C is a 51 year old woman with a blank medical and psychiatric history. No familial depression or OCD were present. She was bodybuilding champion of the Netherlands in 1994 and active as a professional musician. Since 1995 she was a professional beautician. In 2000 – 2001 the patient was injected in the face for soft tissue augmentation by a physician with an unknown permanent cosmetic filler and New-fill. Quantities were unknown. In 2000 she has had a breast augmentation with revision of the right breast implant in 2005, a lower eyelid correction and lip augmentation in 2001, an upper eyelid correction in 2003, and a short scar facelift (S lift) in 2004. (See Image 1)
In 2002 she developed the granulomas in the glabellar region and forehead. This was treated by means of cortisone injections. In 2005 lypolyses was conducted in various areas of the face and then she started to suffer from increasing amounts of granuloma in the face and from facial pain. She received additional injections with cortisone and had several treatments with penicillin.
In 2009, patient C developed severe problems with her teeth, and developed oral pain, gingivitis and parodontitis. Dentally there was a generalized gingivitis, extreme caries and large cavities. The OPG made several apical inflammatory lesions visible (see OPG in Figure 2) .
2.4-2.6 with the bridge were so lose that they could be removed by hand, just as some teeth and molars. Surgical removal of the radix 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 was needed in addition, necrotic removed in the third and fourth quadrant (see Figure 2).
In addition she developed in 2006 a DOLAS syndrome. She fought her illness but fell into disrepair in early 2010.
In the early 2011 the patient was referred to us by the SSCA Foundation because of serious GMF, FFOP, DDRRC and DOLAS syndromes.
The depressive and OCD symptoms were treated with Venlafaxine 37.5 mg 1 dd 4, severe anxiety symptoms that persisted were treated with Alprazolam 1mg tablets 3dd1.
The atypical facial pain and oral pain responded best to Ibuprofen 600 mg 1 dd 1 and Morphine sulfate 1 dd 1. The patient used Ranitidine 150 mg 2 dd 1.
( in addition she uses Atenolol 50 mg 2 dd 1, Simvastatin 40 mg 2 dd 1, Ascal 80 mg, lisinopril 5 mg 1 dd 1).
The patient is now free of depression and her suicidal thoughts have disappeared as well as her social phobia. The compulsions disorders are still present to some extent.
Part of her facial granulomas could be surgically removed, especially the filler mass above the nose bridge and forehead (see image 2 and 3 ) .
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3 Patient after removing permanent fillers
Image 3
Image 4 Patient 2 before the permanent injections.
In search of the ideal filler and in the light of an expanding beauty market, permanent fillers like Artecoll, Bioalcamid and Dermalive have been developed and were introduced on the cosmetic market in the early nineties (1-4). Initially, there were only optimistic publications. The literature only reported minor complications that could be resolved very easily (5-11). Thousands of people therefore have been injected with permanent fillers in the early nineties the twentieth century, all resulting initially in satisfactory results. But with passing of time there is a gradually increase in the development of significant granulomatas and infectious problems (GMF syndrome) in as much as at least 5% of the patients with disastrous effect (5): the bacterial contamination and subsequent infection probably results from either biofilm formation initiated at the moment of injection or by late haematogenous origin like bacteraemia for example after tooth brushing. Both of these mechanisms may subsequently result in severe facial infections with abscesses formation, inflammation and hardening of the remnant material. These permanent filler complications (we call GMF syndrome) are already well known among facial surgeons. However, these patients are hard to treat, since adequate treatment implies extensive enbloc tissue removal and subsequent severe mutilation. The only way to treat them is to supply antibiotics and to drain abscesses locally. All of these permanent filler “victims” end with a facial distortion that goes far beyond what is acceptable: not only a lot of HIV patients have been treated and have been victimized in this way, also many young healthy patients just wanting small volume corrections for purely aesthetic reasons have been treated in this way and have become a victim: with ugly deformities of lip, cheek, infra orbital; and among the jaw line . With already a 5% reported incidence of facial mutilation, the only conclusion to be drawn about the use of these permanent fillers has to be that this material should be banned completely from the facial filler assortment (13).
Based upon our experience having had revered more than two dozens of patients by the Dutch Foundation called “Foundation of Victims of Cosmetic Doctors (SSCA foundation)” because these patients suffered from both physical and severe psychological symptoms, we observed the other devastating problem that may occur in the long run with the use of permanent fillers : the development of severe psychological/ psychiatric symptoms. Combined with the already known physical complications we can speak of a so-called “Filler-induced Psycho-Physical Syndrome”: a mixture of physical symptoms of granuloma formation, abscesses, chronic inflammation, eye vitreus fluid problems, oralfacial pain complains and severe dental destruction combined with psychological symptoms: depression obsessive compulsive disorder, lability anxiety, fear for light, suicidality.
Because of the long delay between the use of permanent fillers and the onset of manifestations of the symptoms of the FPP syndrome, hardly anyone has previously linked the combination of serious medical, dental and psychiatric complaints that apparently may develop among permanent filler “victims”. We think that all these symptoms might be a late “toxic” effect of permanent fillers; to stabilize permanent fillers, large quantities of so-called (cohesion promotion) nano(protein)-particles are used (14,15). We think that upon hardening and to some extent “breaking down ”of these permanent fillers, these nanoparticles may be massively released into the body. It is known that these nanoparticles are neurotoxic, and probably carcinogenic (15)
For now we can not know for sure whether the psychological symptoms, we have found in these patients, are of organic origin (e.g. because of nano-particles or because of side effects of inflammation) or are a result of the psychological consequences of having a disfigured appearance by the GMF syndrome.
Nevertheless, whatever the real cause is of this “Filler-induced Psycho-Physical Syndrome” syndrome, which may occur years after the use of permanent fillers, this syndrome should be adequately recognized and treated with psychofarmaca to cure the patients psychological diseases. Local surgical treatment (abcess drainage, excision of diseased tissues, lateron lipofilling for local tissue replacement and regeneration) is necessary for treatement of the GMF syndrome with its complications.
With the current possibility to treat wrinkles and volume deficiencies with either one’s own fat by means of lipofilling (14-16), sharp needle infiltration of fat (17) or by hyaluronic acid (temporary filler with a very low a easily solvable complication rate) (18-20), there is no place for the use of permanent fillers.
Casuistry, photos and radiological imaging material is with the permission of these three patients through an informed consent.
The authors thank these three patients for their cooperation to make this scientific article possible.
- Lemperle G, Gauthier-Hazan N, Lemperle M. PMMA microspheres (Artecoll) for long-lasting correction of wrinkles: Refinements and statistical results. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1998;22:356–365.
- Ersek RA, Beisnag AA. Bioplastique: A new textured copolymer microparticle promise permanence in soft tissue augmentation. Plast Reconstr Surg 1991:33:693–702.
- Murray CA, Zloty D, Warshawski L. The Evolution of soft tissue fillers in clinical practice. Dermatol Clin 2005;23:343e
- Broder KW, Cohen SR. An overview of permanent fillers and semipermanent fillers. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006;118:7Se
- Sayla, Z. Facial fillers and their complications. Surg. 23: 221, 2003.
- Alcalay, J., Alkalay, R., Gat, A., Yorav, S. Late-onset granulomatous reaction to Artecoll. Surg. 29: 859, 2003.
- Honig, J.F., Brink, U., Korabiowska, M. Severe granulomatous allergic tissue reaction after hyaluronic acid injection in the treatment of facial lines and its surgical correction. Craniofac. Surg. 14: 197, 2003.
- Waris, E., Pakkanen, M., Lassila, K., et al. Alloplastic injectable biomaterials for soft tissue augmentation: a report on two cases with complications associated with a new material (DermaLive) and a review of the literature. J. Plast. Surg. 26: 350, 2003.
- Lowe NJ, Maxwell CA, Patnaik R. Adverse reactions to dermal fillers: review. Dermatol Surg 2005;31:1616e25
- Lam SM, Azizzadeh B, Graivier M. Injectable poly-L-Lactic acid (Sculptra): technical considerations in soft-tissue contouring. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006;118:55Se63
- Eppley BL, Dadvand B. Injectable soft-tissue fillers: clinical overview. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006;118:98ee
- Schelke LW, Elzen van den HJ, Canninga M, Neumann MHM. Complications after treatment of Polyalkylimide. Dermatol Surg 35: 1625-28, 2009.
- van Dam D, van der Lei B, Cromheecke M: Statements on the safety of permanent soft tissue fillers in Europe Aesth Plast Surg 33: 479-81, 2009.
- US20040209997A1 Patent Publication application Balestrieri et al Pub. No:. S. 2004/0209997 A1 Pub Date: Oct.21, 2004. Process for cross-linking and acrylic polymer or copolymer or an acrylic derivate of a copolymer and the cross-linked acrylic polymer thereby obtained Inventors: Gerardo Balestrieri, Milan, Italy, Carmelo Protopapa, Bologna, Italy.
- Nanotoxicity and health risk related to managing nanoparticles European Commission, University of Moderna and Reggio Emillia Laboratory of Biomaterials Nanotoxicity and health risk related to managing nanoparticles, the European experience of Nanopathology. By Antonietta Gatti
The worldwide, (also in the Netherlands used till 01/01/2015) use of permanent fillers which are probably neurotoxic and carcinogenic. The Non specialist M.D. (In the Netherlands basic doctors) call themself cosmetic doctors, but there is no BIG code for this (“specialism”). The IGZ(J) knew about the danger of these permanent fillers since the mid 90th but even allowed any person, like hairdressers, beauticians and laymen to inject permanent fillers into the anatomically very complex face. Based on art. 38 of the IGZ (J)On 1 januari 2015 the Ministry of Health prohibited the use of permanent fillers in the Netherlands.
Update 05/2024: The Danger of “cosmetic doctors”, they are BIG registered basic doctors without any specialization.
The IGJ allow “cosmetic doctors (BIG registration basic doctors!) are to perform the same operations as Plastic Surgeons.
A basic doctor has basic knowledge of the head and neck area.
The head and neck areas are one of the most complicated areas of the human body.
Invasive operations must be performed by a Plastic Surgeon, Head/Neck Surgeon, Dermatologist, Oral Medicine doctor, the ANT doctor, the Eye doctor, Dentist and Dentist specialists.
These above mentioned seven specializations take six years or more.
- The IGJ states that these professional groups and “cosmetic docters” should “fight it out” themselves. The BIG basic doctor (cosmetic docter) should limit himself to non-invasive procedures. It is precisely the IGJ that criticizes the commas in their own articles. The IGJ lacks rationality and there are apparently no extensive protocols within the IGJ regarding invasive operations by basic doctors.
Urgent advice: Do not have invasive (including semi-permanent fillers and Botox) operations performed by primary basic doctors. The cosmetic doctor should limit him/herself to the skin. But the Dermatologist exists for the skin already.
This is a for decades a known healthcare problem and still is.
There must be a BIG recognized training course to become a cosmetic doctor with clear boundaries as to what is and is not reserved for medical procedures for a cosmetic doctor.
A completely out of control permanent fillers situation is one of this non acting . See above. Prof. dr. B. van der Lei of the UMC Groningen and The Chairman Drs. G.K. van Drunen of the Board of the Dutch Association for Plastic Surgery (NVPC) have to clean up the mess caused by a “cosmetic doctor”.
People are at the mercy of the basic knowledge and especially non-skills of a basic doctor.
Cheap is almost always expensive.
Most remarkable is that the IGJ applies strict rules for all BIG registered specializations. The problem is that specialists are politically very careful with the IGJ. After all, the IGJ is above the law. That’s worrying!
Still, this “cosmetic docter” profession is a dangerous floating area exist due to the IGJ.
Most important question is why the IGJ keeps this very shaky “cosmetic docter” concept in the shadow?
The strong collusion between the IGJ and the cosmetic industry has already been mentioned by Nossbaum in point 2.1!
Update 13 January 2025
Skin administration is a simple method of therapeutic and cosmetic application. However, the protective barrier provided by the skin makes it challenging to achieve delivery of high molecular weight compounds. Efforts to improve the penetration of hyaluronic acid (HA) have yielded nanoparticulate polyion complexes of HA with poly-l-lysine (HANP), which act as vehicles for delivering HA deeper into the skin. However, the mechanism for this effect and the response of HANP to the skin environment have not been explored. In this study, the penetration of HANP in skin is compared with that of HA, and differences in the pathways are identified. In addition, the properties of the particles in a simulated skin environment are assessed and HANP are found to show morphological changes in response to ions. These findings are expected to pave the way for future transdermal delivery of other high molecular weight ionic compounds such as proteins.
2.2 The Danger of "Cosmetic Doctors"read Basic Docters! + Update 13 January 2025
Update 05/2024: The Danger of “cosmetic doctors”, they are BIG registered basic doctors without any specialization.
The IGJ allow “cosmetic doctors (BIG registration basic doctors!) are to perform the same operations as Plastic Surgeons.
A basic doctor has basic knowledge of the head and neck area.
The head and neck area are one of the most complicated areas of the human body. Invasive operations must be performed by a Plastic Surgeon, Craniomaxillo-facial Surgeon, Dermatologist, ANT doctor, Eye doctor, Dentist and Dentist/specialists
The above seven specializations take six years or more.
The IGJ states that these professional groups and “cosmetic docters” should “fight it out” themselves.
The BIG basic doctor (cosmetic docter) should limit himself to non-invasive procedures. It is precisely the IGJ that criticizes the commas in their own articles. The IGJ lacks rationality and there are apparently no extensive protocols within the IGJ regarding invasive operations by basic doctors.
Urgent advice: Do not have invasive (including semi-permanent fillers and Botox) operations performed by primary basic doctors! The cosmetic doctor should limit him/herself to the skin. But the Dermatologist exists for the skin already.
This is a for decades a known healthcare problem and still is.
There must be a BIG recognized training course to become a cosmetic doctor with clear boundaries as to what is and is not reserved for medical procedures for a cosmetic doctor.
A completely out of control permanent fillers situation is one of this non acting . See above. Prof. dr. B. van der Lei of the UMC Groningen and The Chairman Drs. G.K. van Drunen of the Board of the Dutch Association for Plastic Surgery (NVPC) have to clean up the mess caused by a “cosmetic doctor”.
People are at the mercy of the basic knowledge and especially non-skills of a basic doctor.
Cheap is almost always expensive.
Most remarkable is that the IGJ applies strict rules for all BIG registered specializations.
The problem is that specialists are politically very careful with the IGJ. After all, the IGJ is above the law. That’s worrying!
Still, this “cosmetic doctor” profession is a dangerous floating area exist due to the IGJ.
Most important question is why the IGJ keeps this very shaky “cosmetic doctor” concept in the shadow?
The strong collusion between the IGJ and the cosmetic industry has already been mentioned by Nossbaum in point 2.1!
Update 13 January 2025
Skin administration is a simple method of therapeutic and cosmetic application. However, the protective barrier provided by the skin makes it challenging to achieve delivery of high molecular weight compounds. Efforts to improve the penetration of hyaluronic acid (HA) have yielded nanoparticulate polyion complexes of HA with poly-l-lysine (HANP), which act as vehicles for delivering HA deeper into the skin. However, the mechanism for this effect and the response of HANP to the skin environment have not been explored. In this study, the penetration of HANP in skin is compared with that of HA, and differences in the pathways are identified. In addition, the properties of the particles in a simulated skin environment are assessed and HANP are found to show morphological changes in response to ions. These findings are expected to pave the way for future transdermal delivery of other high molecular weight ionic compounds such as proteins.
3. The Lawsuit Porn case Mrs. M.A. K, Child Psychotherapist / Sexual Abuse of 4 Young Children
3.1) Nossbaum divorced his ex-partner mrs. M.A. K. (child psychotherapist in) 2000. There was never any contact afterwards. On April 4, 2004, M.A.K reported defamation to the Binnensticht Zeist police.
Nossbaum was accused by M.A. K of, among other things, sending pornographic photos to M.A. K work. The police’s previous investigation showed that MK had lied about this 3 times. (Making a false statement is a criminal offense!).
None of the BDSM and fetish photos of M.A. K included in the police report of the sexual perverse preferences of M.A. K were found in Nossbaum’s home during the extensive search by the police. No BDSM objects, clothing, photos or fetish clothing. The police therefore found not even clues at that direction during the search at Nossbaum’s house and laptops. The police had no evidence at all. The police wanted really nail Nossbaum.
Beside it should harm the violent young child abuse case.
It turned out to be pornographic images of M.A. K, possibly came from American porn websites.
In 2003, after the report: possible 4 very young seriously abused children case (after this KMM) by GP v d H and Nossbaum to the police, AMK and Youth Care Office.
In 2003, Nossbaum’s ex-partner, Mrs. M.A. K approached by the police, Mr van Gisbergen (G) and Mr Bosman (B) from the Binnensticht Zeist office.
The lawyer, Mr. A. Rigters, (see his letter 2003) was also approached by G and B. In 2003,
After the KMM report, Nossbaum and his family were seriously threatened with their lives and could no longer file reports with the police and the Public Prosecution Service (violation of constitutional law).
In 2003, Nossbaum purchased a firearm for his wife and youngest son. The right to self-defense, knowing that a firearm was prohibited by law, outweighed his family interests. This KMM apparently had a code red and as it turned out, this pedophile line extended to the (former) top of the Ministry of Justice and Security.
General practitioner J v.d. H was not referred for diagnosis and treatment of these 4 children in the region Utrecht .
Nossbaum never approached his ex-partner. For Nossbaum, this book was closed in 2000. Nossbaum has been living with the love of his life since 2001 till now.
A violent statement by the best friend of M.A K, Nathasia Post, (see photo above), a clinical psychologist in Amsterdam (2002), was intended to substantiate and damage Nossbaum’s case.
(M.A. K was in 2000 Post’s supervisor ). M.A.K and Post were also good friends. This statement didn’t work. The court rejected this statement. This malicious collusion makes it still current due to the AD porn article publication at Google 2024. Their collusion made Post’s statement about Nossbaum unreliable, libelous and slanderous. Legally a punishable offences.
Mr van Gisbergen (G) and Mr Bosman (B) committed perjury by claiming that they had seen a verifiable letter from the Radboud Medical Center, but did not confiscate this very important piece of evidence. This “letter” could not be submitted to the Multiple-Judge Chamber.
Stephan Nossbaum’s criminal lawyer, Mrs. A. van Ginneken, was able to refute all accusations in M.A. K report. Completely refute M.A. K with hard evidence before the multiple law chamber.
Nossbaum was fully acquitted, also subsidiary and more subsidiary, in the later criminal case (June 2006) by the Multiple-Judge Chamber.
During the criminal case (2006), M.A K was found to demonstrably lie to the police and the police had to change her report three times, because facts were demonstrably incorrect. Making a false statement is punishable!
Despite this complete acquittal, the AD Algemeen Dagblad continues on Google to defame Stephan Nossbaum to this day through an insinuating article about this case on Google. We are 18 years further in time! There are borders also for Newspapers, TV.
And the most culpable and remarkable thing is that AD and The Telegraaf have completely ignored a scientifically proven multiple sexual offense involving young children since 2003. That was not a journalistic error but part of a pedophile network that also had to be smothered through the media. Even before there was the Porn lawsuit. The psychoanalytic transference of choosing the porn letters affair as the first Google search result for Nossbaum says a lot: “The AD literally and figuratively exposes us.” And that stands for a lot.
It is remarkable that the declaration against Nossbaum to the police by psychotherapist Mrs. M.A. K took place in 2004. The intertwining of four serious child sex offenses since 2003 and the porn criminal case of psychotherapist Mrs. M.A. K 2004 are no coincidence. Nossbaum was for the first time confronted by the police about M.A. K declaration in 2006. That’s remarkable! Now we know that this pedo-case was/is still a political issue, high in the ministry of Safety and Justice.
In addition, such an action could harm the cause of the abused young children. The police, Public Prosecution Service and the Ministry of Justice and Security needed an artefactual link to clip the entire child abuse case.
The porn photos and the firearm were used by the above authorities to “clip” the child abuse case. Just like surgeons clip a bleeding artery. In this case a Darkweb spinning “arterie”.
And to focus national attention on Nossbaum in 2006 through social media and newspapers! A doctor who had a firearm in his possession. The newspapers were only too eager to respond. On December 6, 2006, without hearing Nossbaum, Ron Couwenhoven at the time a journalist for the newspaper The Telegraaf, wrote a dirty and nasty full-size Saturday page article. Titled “Doctor of Death”.
While there were many reports of interrogations, there were police taps, there were clear reports, that left nothing to the imagination, from child psychotherapists and child psychiatrist Mrs. H. Gerritsma.
All this information was/is very incriminating for pedophiles within and outside the police, Public Prosecution Service and especially the Ministry of Security and Justice.
The entire scientifically proven child abuse file is safely stored in a safe from a criminal lawyer.
As mentioned earlier, these types of crime-cases cannot expire.
Curiously enough, the child abuse case was investigated separately by the Overvecht Noord police district by two moral police officials, Kitty van der Brug and Ron Rakim under responsibility of Public Prosecutor Alwin Dam. When these detectives came across remarkable facts (see the many interrogation reports). The police taps were shocking. These two detectives were taken off the child abuse case overnight. Suddenly there was no more multiple child abuse case.
It is also not a journalistic error but part of a big pedophile network that also had to be smothered through the media. And still is.
The role of the IGJ concerning the multiple sexual child abuse was again dramatic. And also, the remarkable role of confidential doctor Marjo Zwart from the Youth Care Office.
The AD en the Telegraaf have been responsible for 21 years and ensures that serious sexual offenses involving four very young children in Groenekan and Utrecht remain current.
Nossbaum has played an archiving role and was part of a research team. The hard evidence is safely stored inside a safe at law firm. That’s why Nossbaum never patched this AD porn pop-up when Googling Nossbaum. And the complete acquittal of Nossbaum vs M.A. K porn criminal case also remains topical.
4 2
1) Ron van Couwenhoven
Criminal acts:
1) Character assassination
2) Libel
3) Slander
De Telegraaf
2) Natasha Post
Natasha Post is a healthcare/clinical psychologist and psychotherapist and EMDR therapist. She specializes in therapy for young adults. Help is provided from multiple therapeutic angles that match the problem and the request for help.
Telefoon: 06 51124611
BIG psychotherapeut 19058989516
BIG GZ psycholoog 89058989525
BIG klinisch psycholoog
Criminal acts:
1) Intertwining professionalism and friendship
2) Character assassination
3) Libel
4) Slander
3.1) Nossbaum divorced his ex-partner mrs. M.A. K. (child psychotherapist in) 2000. There was never any contact afterwards. On April 4, 2004, M.A.K reported defamation to the Binnensticht Zeist police.
Nossbaum was accused by M.A. K of, among other things, sending pornographic photos to M.A. K work. The police’s previous investigation showed that MK had lied about this 3 times. (Making a false statement is a criminal offense!).
None of the BDSM and fetish photos of M.A. K included in the police report of the sexual perverse preferences of M.A. K were found in Nossbaum’s home during the extensive search by the police. No BDSM objects, clothing, photos or fetish clothing. The police therefore found not even clues at that direction during the search at Nossbaum’s house and laptops. The police had no evidence at all. The police wanted really nail Nossbaum.
Beside it should harm the violent young child abuse case.
It turned out to be pornographic images of M.A. K, possibly came from American porn websites.
In 2003, after the report: possible 4 very young seriously abused children case (after this KMM) by GP v d H and Nossbaum to the police, AMK and Youth Care Office.
In 2003, Nossbaum’s ex-partner, Mrs. M.A. K approached by the police, Mr van Gisbergen (G) and Mr Bosman (B) from the Binnensticht Zeist office.
The lawyer, Mr. A. Rigters, (see his letter 2003) was also approached by G and B. In 2003,
After the KMM report, Nossbaum and his family were seriously threatened with their lives and could no longer file reports with the police and the Public Prosecution Service (violation of constitutional law).
In 2003, Nossbaum purchased a firearm for his wife and youngest son. The right to self-defense, knowing that a firearm was prohibited by law, outweighed his family interests. This KMM apparently had a code red and as it turned out, this pedophile line extended to the (former) top of the Ministry of Justice and Security.
General practitioner J v.d. H was not referred for diagnosis and treatment of these 4 children in the region Utrecht .
Nossbaum never approached his ex-partner. For Nossbaum, this book was closed in 2000. Nossbaum has been living with the love of his life since 2001 till now.
A violent statement by the best friend of M.A K, Nathasia Post, (see photo above), a clinical psychologist in Amsterdam (2002), was intended to substantiate and damage Nossbaum’s case.
(M.A. K was in 2000 Post’s supervisor ). M.A.K and Post were also good friends. This statement didn’t work. The court rejected this statement. This malicious collusion makes it still current due to the AD porn article publication at Google 2024. Their collusion made Post’s statement about Nossbaum unreliable, libelous and slanderous. Legally a punishable offences.
Mr van Gisbergen (G) and Mr Bosman (B) committed perjury by claiming that they had seen a verifiable letter from the Radboud Medical Center, but did not confiscate this very important piece of evidence. This “letter” could not be submitted to the Multiple-Judge Chamber.
Stephan Nossbaum’s criminal lawyer, Mrs. A. van Ginneken, was able to refute all accusations in M.A. K report. Completely refute M.A. K with hard evidence before the multiple law chamber.
Nossbaum was fully acquitted, also subsidiary and more subsidiary, in the later criminal case (June 2006) by the Multiple-Judge Chamber.
During the criminal case (2006), M.A K was found to demonstrably lie to the police and the police had to change her report three times, because facts were demonstrably incorrect. Making a false statement is punishable!
Despite this complete acquittal, the AD Algemeen Dagblad continues on Google to defame Stephan Nossbaum to this day through an insinuating article about this case on Google. We are 18 years further in time! There are borders also for Newspapers, TV.
And the most culpable and remarkable thing is that AD and The Telegraaf have completely ignored a scientifically proven multiple sexual offense involving young children since 2003. That was not a journalistic error but part of a pedophile network that also had to be smothered through the media. Even before there was the Porn lawsuit. The psychoanalytic transference of choosing the porn letters affair as the first Google search result for Nossbaum says a lot: “The AD literally and figuratively exposes us.” And that stands for a lot.
It is remarkable that the declaration against Nossbaum to the police by psychotherapist Mrs. M.A. K took place in 2004. The intertwining of four serious child sex offenses since 2003 and the porn criminal case of psychotherapist Mrs. M.A. K 2004 are no coincidence. Nossbaum was for the first time confronted by the police about M.A. K declaration in 2006. That’s remarkable! Now we know that this pedo-case was/is still a political issue, high in the ministry of Safety and Justice.
In addition, such an action could harm the cause of the abused young children. The police, Public Prosecution Service and the Ministry of Justice and Security needed an artefactual link to clip the entire child abuse case.
The porn photos and the firearm were used by the above authorities to “clip” the child abuse case. Just like surgeons clip a bleeding artery. In this case a Darkweb spinning “arterie”.
And to focus national attention on Nossbaum in 2006 through social media and newspapers! A doctor who had a firearm in his possession. The newspapers were only too eager to respond. On December 6, 2006, without hearing Nossbaum, Ron Couwenhoven at the time a journalist for the newspaper The Telegraaf, wrote a dirty and nasty full-size Saturday page article. Titled “Doctor of Death”.
While there were many reports of interrogations, there were police taps, there were clear reports, that left nothing to the imagination, from child psychotherapists and child psychiatrist Mrs. H. Gerritsma.
All this information was/is very incriminating for pedophiles within and outside the police, Public Prosecution Service and especially the Ministry of Security and Justice.
The entire scientifically proven child abuse file is safely stored in a safe from a criminal lawyer.
As mentioned earlier, these types of crime-cases cannot expire.
Curiously enough, the child abuse case was investigated separately by the Overvecht Noord police district by two moral police officials, Kitty van der Brug and Ron Rakim under responsibility of Public Prosecutor Alwin Dam. When these detectives came across remarkable facts (see the many interrogation reports). The police taps were shocking. These two detectives were taken off the child abuse case overnight. Suddenly there was no more multiple child abuse case.
It is also not a journalistic error but part of a big pedophile network that also had to be smothered through the media. And still is.
The role of the IGJ concerning the multiple sexual child abuse was again dramatic. And also, the remarkable role of confidential doctor Marjo Zwart from the Youth Care Office.
The AD en the Telegraaf have been responsible for 21 years and ensures that serious sexual offenses involving four very young children in Groenekan and Utrecht remain current.
Nossbaum has played an archiving role and was part of a research team. The hard evidence is safely stored inside a safe at law firm. That’s why Nossbaum never patched this AD porn pop-up when Googling Nossbaum. And the complete acquittal of Nossbaum vs M.A. K porn criminal case also remains topical.
3.2) The violent and intimidating case of 4 sexual abused young children.
In 2003, police officer Gisbergen, from the Binnensticht Zeist police, stated by phone, that Nossbaum would in no way receive any help from the police in the event of an emergency. This is related to the following serious multiple child sexual abuse case. Chief Inspector of the Haaglanden Police, Mr. J. Bezemer, was present with Nossbaum and listened through the loudspeaker of the telephone.
It started with a five year old boy/patient. He had serious dental issues but became extremely anxious to open his mouth despite the huge pain this patient had. The mother of this child told her GP and Nossbaum, she was, in her youth severe sexual abused. She was afraid her young son was sexual abused too.
Nossbaum and GP van der Host followed the protocol for suspected sexual abuse. They report this to the vice police and the Youth Care Office, and “confidential doctor” Marjo Zwart. A few months later, out of the blue, Nossbaum received a call from community police officer Gisbergen that, in the event of an emergency, Nossbaum could no longer rely on police assistance. calculate. The arrows were pointedly aimed at Nossbaum and GP J. van der Horst. In 2006 it turned out that a colleague of Van Gisbergen, police officer Bosman, had visited M.A.’s ex-partner. K. already in 2003 with ex-partner M.A. K. had visited Nossbaum’s lawyer, Mr. Rigters (See declaration below). Nossbaum was confronted with M.A.K report from 2004 by the police Binnensticht Zeist in 2006, that’s a gap of two Years!
It is remarkable that the Utrecht police force went into meltdown after this report by GP Van der Horst and Nossbaum. In addition, all child psychotherapeutic agencies were not willing to conduct further research regarding the four very young children (child A, 2 years old, five years old, B, six years old, C and child D, nine years old). Child-psychiatrist/child psychoanlyst/supervisor Mrs. Gerritsma established contact between Nossbaum and child psychotherapist Mrs. Thomas-Vreugdenhill. The two oldest children were diagnosed and found positive for sexual abuse. The youngest children were treated outside the Utrecht region by the Rijngeest group in Alphen aan de Rijn. Mrs Notten reports on this emphatically, in the case of two-year-old child A it was clear that she had been seriously abused. She was already suffering from flavulence.
A human daily record has been made by former Child Psychiatrist and Child Psychoanalyst and supervisor Mrs. H. Gerritsma at Baarn, The Netherlands 0031 (6) 53 50 52 92, where Nossbaum was at the time in a Learning Analysis. The reality of these 4 sexually abused children was “politically sensitive” and there were lines deep within the Ministry of Security and Justice. Years later, the names of former mayor of Utrecht Ivo Opstelten and Joris Demmink from this ministry emerged. (Source journalist Peter Thonen). To date, the widespread pedophile network has been politically ignored by the Rutte cabinet.
After 20 years, Nossbaum will report very serious slander and libel to the police and Prosecution.
Child sex crimes do not expire in the Netherlands. And the many perpetrators are still walking around freely!
Ron van Couwenhoven and The Telegraaf and Algemeen Dagblad will be confronted with the enormous psychological and material damage he has caused to these 4 children, to the GP, mrs H. Gerritsma and Nossbaum with this article. A large claim for damages will be required. You can spread as much libel, slander, fantasy, but one day the clotted blood stains with DNA will surface. Whether or not IGZ, or not a political seal.
This former journalist Ron Couwenhoven wrote not about what happened concerning these four young children.
In addition, this journalist from the Telegraaf completely ignored GP van der Horst, child-psychiatrist/childpsychoanalyst and Nossbaum a mortal sin in journalism, especially when it concerns such a delicate subject as the sexual abuse of very young children. The journalist did not rebuttal. And that is a mortal sin in journalism.
He did not do any source-research even though there was enormous evidence available. The criminal interrogation reports side and the diagnostic and psychotherapeutic data of the children’s practitioners.
The AD en the Telegraaf have been responsible for 21 years and ensures that serious sexual offenses involving four very young children in Groenekan and Utrecht remain current.
Nossbaum’s final role was not a major one. He archived and recorded data. The hard evidence is safely stored inside a safe at law firm. That’s why Nossbaum never patched this AD porn pop-up when Googling Nossbaum. After all, the AD doesn’t know any better.
Concerning the great threat, intimidation and violence, Nossbaum stood in front of GP Jos van der Horst and child psychiatrist Mrs Gerritsma. Nossbaum as a Jewish/Israeli M.D. was the only one capable of dealing with this kind of violence. The high political lines to the Public Prosecution Service and the Ministry of Security and Justice were far beyond everyone’s comfort zone.
Pedophile criminal persons may think that they can cover their bloody crimes with sand. But one day the wind will blow away all the sand and the sad bloody pedophile perverse sex offences footprints will become visible.
All the four children are adult now and have their own life some of them have children.
Nossbaum don’t want to disturb their life. Though with a informed consent, investigative journalists are free to do research all evidence.
The Budo and IDF lifestyle also includes patience, courage and timing.
4. Extortion of multiple M.D.s
Extortion and blackmail of M.D plastic surgeons and some cosmetic M.D’s. b
The (SSCA) Sylvia Veerman- Wagenveld and Paul Kouwenberg blackmailed and extorted cosmetic M.D Paul Musarella and also encouraged vulnerable permanent filler patients to do so. It was the trademark of the SSCA
Paul Musserla Paul (60) passed away on December 6, 2016.
Paris Melis (52) passed away on November 28 2016.
5. Character assassination by the IGJ
Photo (1) journalist Iris Cohen, who makes up facts (cofabulates*), and is guilty of libel and slander.
*Hear sound fragment Dirk van Beerschoten te Groenekan about a fabricated interview with the main victim and witness A.D in the sexual abuse of four young children).
The scientifically verifiable newspaper articles written by Ron Couwenhoven, Iris Cohen (De Telegraaf) and Ivar Penris (Algemeen Dagblad (AD)) and published in De Telegraaf Saturday page are not objective journalistic articles and have not been tested against provable facts. The professional damage and private damage are enormous. The positions taken in advance by these journalists form the basis of the demonstrably serious libel and slander.
The two-page articles in large Saturday editions in De Telegraaf are scientifically and journalistically incorrect.
Nowadays there is nothing easier than to seriously damage a BIG registered doctor, both nationally and worldwide.
By publishing on Google and in newspapers, the IGJ in collaboration with journalists sentence a doctor to life imprisonment invisible worldwide.
IGJ abbreviation means of Inspectorate of Healthcare and Youth.
This has enormous negative consequences for a doctor privately and professionally.
The premature use of (social) media by the IGJ played a major role in this!
It’s one of the IGJ’s “patents”!
It also happened to GP Tromp from Tuitjehoorn
The IGJ prematurely informed national newspapers and the news via the main television channels.
Without first conducting a thorough investigation, starting a medical disciplinary procedure and waiting for the verdict.
The great media outcry by the IGJ concerning Huisarts Tromp from Tuitjehoorn caused GP Tromp to desperately end his shattered life.
This action by the IGJ hovers between assassination and character assassination. General practitioner Tromp left behind a M.D. widow and three children.
The European Court exonerated GP Tromp posthumously!
The IGJ is 100% responsible for the death (assassination/ character assassination and suicide) of this beloved GP from the small village of Tuitjehoorn.
The IGJ has never expressed any regrets.
This method of the IGJ has also happened to me.
General practitioner Tromp has also been spared a lot.
The Telegraaf journalists Ron Couwennhoven and Iris Cohen of the Telegraaf and journalist Ivar Penris of the Algemeen Dagblad must take their responsibility.
My scientific files with irrefutable factual evidence have never been requested from me by them.
I have kept all files accurately, in detail and transparently.
Iris Cohen is demonstrably guilty of serious cofabulating, a mortal sin in journalism.
All files can be viewed, listened to and viewed by investigative journalists.
Photo (1) journalist Iris Cohen, who makes up facts (cofabulates*), and is guilty of libel and slander.
*Hear sound fragment Dirk van Beerschoten te Groenekan about a fabricated interview with the main victim and witness A.D in the sexual abuse of four young children).
Photo (2) Ivar Penris (2) of the Algemeen Dagblad (after this AD) (a widely read, also on the Internet, Dutch newspaper), has a damning “interview” about Nossbaum under false pretenses with his full first and last name and photo with a black bar in front of his face in AD.
Ivar Penris has used a picture of Nossbaum with a black bar over the eyes to make Nossbaum even more like a criminal and to damage it.
The photo comes from a party when Nossbaum’s mother-in-law W. van Dijk turned eighty (2008). The party was celebrated in Nossbaum’s garden
Ad van Dijk and his brother Jaap van Dijk, both brothers-in-law of Nossbaum, were correspondingly present at this party with all children/grandchildren and it forms a contradiction interlines with the statements in the Telegraaf by Ad van Dijk (See Ad van Dijk section of this site ). See photos 3 and 4.
Photo (2) Ivar Penris (2) of the Algemeen Dagblad (after this AD) (a widely read, also on the Internet, Dutch newspaper), has a damning “interview” about Nossbaum under false pretenses with his full first and last name and photo with a black bar in front of his face in AD.
Ivar Penris has used a picture of Nossbaum with a black bar over the eyes to make Nossbaum even more like a criminal and to damage it.
(Photo 3 and 4) Ad van Dijk and his brother Jaap van Dijk, both brothers-in-law of Nossbaum, were correspondingly present at this party with all children/grandchildren and it forms a contradiction interlines with the statements in the Telegraaf by Ad van Dijk (See Ad van Dijk section of this site ).
6. Offense: serious transgressive behaviour
Inspector Frank Neefjes IGJ (IGZ) extorts the GP from M.D Nossbaum to force confidential patient data from Nossbaum to the IGJ. The GP had no choice but to choose his own practice and provided the confidential information to the IGJ inspector Frank Neefjes.
7. Medical disciplinary committee
The chairman of the Medical Disciplinary Court mrs mr. A.A.A.M. Schreuder, the GP of M.D. Nossbaum to provide Nossbaum confidential patient information to Mr. The GP had no choice but to choose his own practice and provided the confidential information to mrs. A.A.A.M. Schreuder. A collaboration between the Medical Disciplinary Court and the IGJ is a crime. The lawyer B. Jansen (Jansen & van Gaal lawyers in Wijchen) tried to challenge the Medical Disciplinary Court but was too late in submitting his challenge.
8. The Role of Mr. Ad van Dijk
Groenekanseweg 131, 3737 AD Groenekan
Tel private: 0346-212477
Tel practice: 0031 6 53 52 15 69
Email: [email protected]
The honorable Mr. J.J.C. of Streets
Dept. District detective
PO Box 514
3700AM Zeist
Dear Mr Straten,
Following our conversation and your conversation with my wife
I request that you record and schedule the declarations this week. This on the basis of Article 162 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Due to the non-recording of declarations, regional disciplinary cases have always arisen.
Due to the upcoming new RTC case I have to file declarations. The RTC chairwoman, Mrs. Schreuder, has advised me that if the declarations are not recorded, I have the right to self-protection. I have to pass this on to the KNMG.
I urge you to have the defamation/slander writings on the internet removed by Google. The site “List of black doctors” is also guilty of libel and slander.
Mrs. I. Cohen (de Telegraaf) and Mr. I. Penris (the UN region of Utrecht) have written very defamatory and defamatory about me and my name and that of my wife (working in the Diakonessen hospital in Utrecht) are written in full.
This falls outside the scope of freedom of the press.
You know how things relate to Delmee, patient van der Bos, Mr A. van Dijk and the IGZ.
The IGZ senior inspector F. Neefjes has exceeded his investigative powers by leaking prudent information (while he asked us to exercise prudence) to Iris Cohen of De Telegraaf. In addition, he has approached private people who are not relevant to his research.
I want to file a report against Mr A. van Dijk with you. He has been guilty of “invisible” highly intrusive stalking and harassment of me since 2001, including in 2009 (see my letter to you (Exhibit CD 1).
He appears to have been the initiator to approach the director of XQdent with, among other things, the completely fabricated Telegraaf page large newspaper interview/article of December 2, 2006 with Alice Delmee (hereinafter AD), Charles Delmee (hereinafter CD) and Elza Delmee (hereinafter ED ), written by journalist Ron Couwenhoven. This file is in the hands of your detective department.
Ad van Dijk (hereinafter referred to as AvD) appears to have been invisibly harassing Nossbaum (hear CD 2:05 min) since the beginning of 2000, whereby your police officer simply allows AvD to watch the screen regarding the reports that have apparently been made against Nossbaum. (production 2 CD) (I was never confronted with those reports by the way) except for the false report by Alice Delmee to Kitty van der Brug (at that time vice detective OVN) and the three times with a different version of a false report by my ex partner (see police file Nossbaum police station BSZ 3).
AvD regularly visited his sister and Nossbaum with his children for “support”. Below you can read what AvD actually came to do.
This long “invisible” harassment only became apparent in 2011. (hear CD production 4)
AvD entered our house without our permission during our absence in 2010. His daughter Kiki van Dijk looked after our house and gave her father Ad van Dijk the keys to our house without our permission.
This falls under criminal trespass. Nossbaum and his wife hold the brother-in-law (brother) responsible for the great professional and private damage he has caused.
In September 2010, AvD stole confidential documents (data) from Nossbaum’s closed file cabinet. The oak antique file cabinet was not forced open but with a key.
These data include autopsy photos of the “murder case” Jenno/ Anita van Zwietering-de Jong, the multiple child sex offenses within Groenekan and Utrecht Noord, patient information, RTC and CTC confidential information, insurance information, financial documents and confidential documents from the Foundation for Victims of Cosmetic Doctors Ssca. In addition, expensive tools have been stolen over the years.
As a result, AvD has approached, among others, patients of Nossbaum, AD and her parents Charles Delmee and Elza Delmee, patient Mrs. van der B. and other patients, Mrs. Veerman of the Foundation for Victims of Cosmetic Doctors (hereinafter ssca), Nossbaum’s promoters and colleagues, neighbors of Nossbaum, Nossbaum’s ex-partner (I never approached her after 2000 and it was not a confrontational divorce in 2000) the UWV and Centraal Beheer/ Achmea (the ex-partner’s brother works at Centraal Beheer/ Achmea) and the gym “Sport City” approached. That is called emphatic harassment. His obsession with Nossbaum is frightening and a niece of Mrs. Nossbaum-van Dijk has confirmed the psychiatric disorder in AvD.
The IGZ inspector, Mr. F. Neeftjes, has also stepped outside his professional duties.
The processing of stolen and incorrect information by Mr. Neefjes is punishable by law and I want to file a report against Mr. Neefjes in connection with the acceptance of stolen information and the premature leaking of information to De Telegraaf. Mr. Neefjes has approached my psychoanalytical training and also the Board of Directors of the UMCRadboud in Nijmegen. This has led to major professional damage.
Nossbaum tried to report this, but Nossbaum was immediately considered closed by the De Bilt police. (see article 162 Code of Criminal Procedure)
After the report has been made to the head of the police investigation department, Mr. J. van Straten of the police Binnensticht Zeist, Nossbaum will start criminal and civil proceedings.
Ad van Dijk is obsessed with Nossbaum and has been since 2000/2001. He is described by several family members as disturbed, a man with a “short fuse”, spoiled, obsessive and a man with “loose hands”. He was admitted to the GGZ-Altrecht in Nieuwegein for six months in connection with suicidality and obsessiveness and impulse/aggression regulation problems. * see
Ad van Dijk had a frame workshop, but went bankrupt and the business was taken over by his ex-partner Mirjam van der Horst. It is remarkable that AvD works “normally” again in this list workshop.
After the divorce from his second wife (Mirjam van der Horst), he checked all contacts his ex-wife would have had. Mirjam van der Horst also had a great obsessiveness and lust for murder. Black-and-white thinking, suicidality, instability, unstable sense of self, impulsivity, affect lability, tantrums, and outbursts of anger indicate borderline problems.
The suicidality that can turn into anger outbursts in combination with obsessiveness is worrying because AvD cannot define itself. Perpetrator/victim role changes are also remarkable. I am concerned about my wife.
AvD has four children from two different marriages. Mrs. Nossbaum-van Dijk actually took care of the two oldest children, Kiki and Yieke van Dijk. The brother saw his sister as an extension of himself and was incestuous towards his sister.
The FIOD is already involved in the remarkable bankruptcy and with the help of fake customers, Mr. AvD appears to be doing many black “jobs”, and he actively offers to have the customer pay black. He asks far too high prices for restoration work and makes his customers look simple. Remarkably, he drives an expensive car and has a luxurious boat where he can sleep. The rented house must give the appearance that he has no money.
In 2009, the “invisibly obsessed” AvD was behind the demise of the Center for Special Dentistry of the dental/implantology practice XQdent of Jeroen Pepplinkhuizen in Bilthoven. Apart from aesthetic dental surgeon Frans Noorman ven der Dussen, psychologist Marije van der Dussen, the wife of Nossbaum, Nossbaum, Jeroen Pepplinkhuizen and his wife and AvD, no one else was aware of this Center for Special Dentistry. AvD would carry out some renovation work in connection with his unemployment. You received a letter from me about this on 20-12-2009 (I am adding this again).
One day before signing the contracts with XQdent, Nossbaum received a call from the director of XQdent, Mr. Pepplinkhuizen, that the center for special dentistry was canceled because he had received “information” from third parties concerning the Telegraaf newspaper article of 02.12.2006. (this whole article is based on nonsense) read the facts proofs, hear the sound clips.
Jeroen Pepplinkhuizen did not want to release the source, but Nossbaum’s name damage was a fact. An infected name is undesirable within a dentistry/implantology clinic. And the long friendship between Nossbaum, his former trainer Frans Noorman-van der Dussen (aesthetic-oncological dental surgeon UMCU) and the working relationship with Marije van der Dussen (psychologist coach) were lost. The professional damage, the time investment damage and impact was enormous.
Again, no police report was filed. What frustrated Nossbaum enormously that the Telegraaf article of 02-12-2006 by journalist Ron van Couwenhoven, based entirely on fabrications, kept popping up as a popup (see also nossbaum.com). Read the article and listen to the sound clips.
At the beginning of May 2011, AvD sees an opportunity to compromise Nossbaum.
At the beginning of April/beginning of May, AD sees its chance. AD put pressure on his sister to let Nossbaum come in case of calamities. Failure of a doctor to act in an emergency is a criminal offence. It is remarkable, in a recorded telephone conversation, that AvD calls Avd’s GP twice early in the morning the night he slept with her in connection with a much too high dose of Morphine! (production 6 hear CD). How can AvD know that an excessive dose of Morphine has been administered? AvD slept that last evening/night before hospitalization in his mother’s apartment. That the hatred and obsessiveness towards Nossbaum was so great that he took the “lay” risk of killing his own mother is bizarre but in line with his borderline personality disorder. AvD doesn’t even seem to know the difference between a morphine pump and morphine tablets. (production 7 hear CD)
(exhibit 8 hear CD 52 sec) He also claims on tape that the dose of morphine was much too high. Nossbaum never prescribed Morphine. Nossbaum was only a prescriber and tried three times to mention this via his wife to Mrs Boshuis-van Dijk’s deputy GP Owen.
Nossbaum can demonstrate the reverse fact that the brother-in-law could not have known without laboratory blood tests that the Morphine level was much too high and AvD persists here in the recorded telephone conversation (exhibit 9 CD 52 sec). It indicates how AvD gave his own mother too much Morphine (AvD had slept with his mother in turn of the children). Nossbaum was no party in this either. The next morning his mother was very confused. AvD called the GP 2 times early in the morning and then left!
His obsession with getting Nossbaum nailed returns when the substitute GP Owen and the two brothers have their dying mother sedated by a Dormicum drip and Morphine, three days before her death a statement was signed that Owen had acted “good”. This statement has been added to the PVV (see Exhibit 10) What an existential low point this forms in the madness of this AvD.
Photos show that all medication was neatly arranged for the GP.
Nossbaum was “only” a short term prescriber of harmless drugs and Nossbaum never administered any medication to the patient!
Nossbaum prescribed medication to the patient a number of times, always after consultation with an gastroenterology specialist from the UMCU (Exhibit 10, see statement from Mrs Boshuis). Nossbaum only came at the request of family and, in addition to medication errors made by MDL doctor Mrs Voorburg (up to three times), had the medication corrected by his wife in consultation with the pharmacy. Nossbaum never administered medication to patient Boshuis or prescribed too much medication.
Nossbaum made the most likely diagnosis. This turned out to be correct after imaging research. Nossbaum did not feel the need to visit his mother-in-law alone and Nossbaum did not have a key to her apartment. Nossbaum’s sneaking into his mother-in-law’s apartment, which was only reported to have been observed by AvD, is unbelievable. That this brother-in-law cofabulates.
That AvD has committed serious libel and slander in the Telegraaf is evident from his projection that Nossbaum would have murdered his mother! A report was made about this by AvD and his brother in 2011, but Nossbaum (see appendix 11) was never confronted with this serious offense by the police and the Public Prosecution Service even 4 years later.
Nossbaum will ask the head of the criminal investigation department, Mr. J. van Straten of the Binnensticht-Zeist police station, to request this report and the, at the request of substitute GP Owen, the declaration of indemnification from non-acting), three days before the death of the patient.
Nossbaum’s wife, together with her mother (she was completely compos mentis at the time), drew up an informed consent at the mother’s request at a much earlier stage. Ivar Penris writes the opposite in the UN region of Utrecht (a journalist should also test, especially when it comes to serious crimes), despite the fact that Nossbaum and his wife had clearly formulated this for the journalist. There is therefore no question of a misunderstanding. Nossbaum will request that the police respond to this article to Ivar Penris and request the statement and have it examined for fingerprints. Then that Penris “misunderstanding” has also been cleared up and GP Owen for the RTC and Mr. Ivar Penras for the Council of Journalism have to explain these matters!
Nossbaum will scientifically fillet these sensationalist biased newspaper articles (see internet google Stephan Nossbaum www.zwartelijstartsen.nl/zwartelijst_arts/nossbaum-s-e by the journalists Iris Cohen van de Telegraaf 13-07-2013 and Mr Ivar Penris and these articles with facts refute evidence and submit it to the Council for Journalism. Nossbaum requests Mr. van Straten to have these sites approached by the criminal investigation department because the newspaper articles are based on assumptions. Real facts cannot be proven.
Iris Cohen has approached Elza and Charles Delmee and makes up the part about Alice Delmee. Hear Dirk van Beerschoten about this fact.
Ivar Penris has also approached Nossbaum’s ex-partner, opening Pandora’s box by having her make a statement about Nossbaum. Nossbaum has never seen or approached his ex-partner since 2000 and has absolutely no desire to. There has never been any harassment/stalking. Nossbaum has been completely acquitted of this by the multiple chamber, also in the alternative and more in the alternative. (see production 12) Despite provable perjury of two police officers! In addition, Nossbaum will prepare a report against two journalists Mr. Neefjes of the IGZ and the substitute GP Owen.
The number of offenses committed by Ad van Dijk, from 2001 to the present, are:
1) Serious harassment, hear CD Jatine van Dijk – AvD.
2) Nationwide libel and slander.
3) Slander and libel by email to my two PhD research professors and colleagues.
4) Giving his mother a far too high dose of Morphine.
5) Trespassing.
6) Threats to life.
7) Nossbaum will request that AvD’s computers be seized for the stolen records in connection with the stolen records.
8) According to Jantine Nossbaum-van Dijk, AvD may have hidden these pieces at his home, in the frame studio or in his bolt or car. The cross-link triad with Mrs. S. Veerman, founder of the foundation for victims of cosmetic doctors (declaration to follow), IGZ senior inspector Mr. F. Neefjes (declaration to follow) and AvD is bizarre. What is AvD’s business with Mrs. S. Veerman and all other professional contacts of Nossbaum? These slanders and harassments by AvD are outrageous, obsessive and worrying.
9) AvD has harmed many permanent filler (PF) victims in their health through his acting because his acting has stagnated the entire scientific research into PF victims and there are serious health risks (death!) from not treating PF victims in time. From 2015, Minister Schippers has banned permanent wrinkle fillers in the Netherlands on the basis of Nossbaum’s pilot study.
10) A separate report is being prepared against Mr. F. Neefjes, Mrs. Veerman and Chairman Paul Kouwenberg. Together with the police and his criminal lawyer, Nossbaum will carefully study the above issues and prepare a watertight report that will lead to a conviction and start civil proceedings to file a claim for damages.
11) By the ssca (Mrs. S. Veerman and plastic surgeon Mr. Kouwenberg) structural cosmetic doctors and plastic surgeons, with the help of registered “victims” at the sscc, were extorted. The police should also record this. Nossbaum will release the names of the doctors while filing this report.
12) Nossbaum will request the police to access the computers of AvD, Mrs. Veerman, Mrs. A.S, Mrs. S. A and Ms. R. S in view of the above and in view of the serious provable untrue allegations contained in the latest IGZ report. I request your prudence and I will prepare those returns for you in September. I am still recovering from an illness and chemotherapy that has been hard on me.
13) I will go further back in time later to see with you where the non-reporting policy of the police from 2003 has led. I have an extensive fact file. RTC, CTC and IGZ cases would never have been there. I have a full helicopter view of all criminal cases. And it’s not about petty crimes.
Truthfully written on Monday, August 24, 201X,
Stephen Nossbaum
mr. A van Ginneken, Criminal Lawyer, Van Ginneken Advocaten.
Mrs. H. Koppenaal, adviser to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
mr. A.A.A.M. Schreuder, Chairman A.A.A. Schreuder, RTC, Amsterdam.
10. Legally Mutilated Victim of the beauty industry
Book Sylvia Veerman-van Wagersveld (ed. Carl Mureau): ‘Legally Mutilated.’ Victim of the beauty industry. Van Ireland Publisher Doetinchem 2008 ISBN 9078071174 ( Complications and Errors/1) See also http://www.legaalverminkt.nl/ Type of book/style: Sylvia’s experience story about complications and errors after treatment with wrinkle fillers after years of headache and facial pain.
12. The extortion practices of Plastic Surgeons and Cosmitic M.D.'s
The extortion practices of plastic surgeons and cosmetic doctors by patients with Mrs S. Veerman. the website: Stichting Slachtoffers Cosmetic doctors of experience expert Mrs. Sylvia Veerman-van Wagersveld and plastic surgeon Paul Kouwenberg. (See the report to the police by a cosmetic M.D P. Musarella)
Mevrouw S Veerman
Mr P. Kouwenberg, Plastic surgeon at the Slingeland Hospital.
At the time that Nossbaum worked within the cosmetic doctors foundation for victims, the doctor claimed under the wrong code to remove permanent fillers. That’s called fraud. And is a criminal offense, E-mail from this doctor to me will soon be published on this page.
SHOCKING NEWS : REPORT AGAINST SYLVIA VEERMAN FOR EXTRACTION AND BLACKMAGING OF DOCTORS Sylvia Veerman from Doetinchem is getting further and further into the corner…. now even involved in shady practices such as CHANTAGE and extortion of a cosmetic doctor in Zeist. [SEE INFO BELOW]. A doctor and psychologist who [at the time] was closely involved in the [SSCA] Foundation she had set up announced this today. The Doetinchem plastic surgeon in the Slingeland Hospital with whom she works as standard and Sylvia, both pretended to be someone else in his clinic and wanted to extort 300,000 euros from that doctor… It is clear what kind of people these are. ..I was her first victim at the time…it cost me my clinic….and she has many more victims… I was used to form a platform for her to profile herself. This woman is really sick and extremely dangerous…. Keep pushing people to start lawsuits against practitioners.. I deliberately withdrew from the snake pit that turns out to be the cosmetic world…but I think everyone should know this anyway…! STEPHANNOSSBAUM.COM The foundation for victims of cosmetic doctors (ssca) experience expert Sylvia Veerman | Stephen… The Foundation for Victims of Cosmetic Doctors (SSCA) Experienced expert Sylvia Veerman Stephan Nossbaum has been secretary of the Foundation for Victims of Cosmetic Doctors (SSCA) for two years. The foundation aims to help permanent victims. Mrs Sylvia Veerman permanent filler patient…
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Fysiotherapie & Shockwave Doetinchem
Bedankt voor je reactie Moon….. dit gaat wel een staartje krijgen denk ik ja……maar rehabilitatie, in de zin van mn naam zuiveren, vind ik toch wel het belangrijkste… heb er verdomme nog elke dag last van…Achterhoekers vergeten niet gauw en de…
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- 7 j
Knobbelzwaanaffaire,het blijft een lelijk eendje qua karakter.Eerlijkheid duurt het langst waarom,omdat het zo weinig wordt gebruikt.
- 7 j
Toitoitoi Feike zo zie je maar de waarheid komt altijd een keer aan het licht
- 7 j
Wens je sterkte en succes in de strijd. Aanpakken dat mens
- 7 j
Eindelijk gerechtigheid! Good for you!!! Jammer dat het je de kliniek heeft moeten kosten… Schadevergoeding???
- 7 j
13. The car sabotage
The top two photos are the result of M.D.’s car sabotage. Nossbaum. He survived this attack with serious injuries. Five times Nossbaum tried to report the incident to the police. This was refused by the police even mutations were not made!. Nossbaum’s lawyers asked the KLPD (National Police Services Agency), part of the police, to investigate Nossbaum’s car. Nossbaum’s car was never found.
The two bottom photos are from the car “accident” of M.D Paris Melis, Plastic Surgeon November 18, 2017, who was researching the dangers of permanent wrinkle fillers ((PFs) with Nossbaum. In January 2017, an RTL4 program Mutulated would be entirely in the light of these permanent fillers. Paris Melis did not survive the accident, leaving behind his wife and three children. “Witnesses” had seen Paris Melis with a mobile phone in his car and said the car was going way too fast. Mobile calling in a Tesla is completely hands-free!
The software of a Tesla is not that difficult to hack. The car of Paris Melis has also never been examined by the KLPD of the police. Two almost identical one-sided car accidents. A third cosmetic M.D., who was also an expert on permanent fillers, was found dead in his home on December 6, 2016. The police and OM keep silent.
Stephan Nossbaum, Paris Melis and M.D x together did, under the rader, deep research concerning these PFs. Stephan Nossbaum, Paris Melis were good friends and both were former commandos/reservists. In a cosmetic television program of RTL4 Cosmatic Mutilation in may 2017, (In consultation with the family of Paris Melis, it was decided to move the broadcast of RTL4 Mutulated by cosmetic docters (basic docters) instead of January 2017 to may 2017.).
Paris Melis spoke briefly about PF fillers, but the scientific data of PFs could not be presented nationally by Paris Melis.
Stephan Nossbaum, Paris Melis and M.D x intellectually claimed the 6 syndromes resulting from permanent fillers in 2015.
The IGJ is a criminal organization that puts itself above the law and certainly does not think and act in the interest of healthcare!
The top two photos are the result of M.D.’s car sabotage. Nossbaum. He survived this attack with serious injuries. Five times Nossbaum and his wife tried to report the incident to the police. This was refused by the police even mutations were not made!. Nossbaum’s lawyer asked the KLPD (National Police Services Agency), part of the police, to investigate Nossbaum’s car. Nossbaum’s car was never found.
The two bottom photos are from the car “accident” of M.D Paris Melis, Plastic Surgeon November 18, 2017, who was researching the dangers of permanent wrinkle fillers ((PFs) with Nossbaum. In January 2018, an RTL4 program would be entirely in the light of these permanent fillers. Paris Melis did not survive the accident, leaving behind his wife and three children. “Witnesses” had seen Paris call Melis in his car and said the car was going way too fast. Mobile calling in a Tesla is completely hands-free! The software of a Tesla is not that difficult to hack. The car of Paris Melis has also never been examined by the KLPD of the police. Two almost identical one-sided car accidents.
A third cosmetic M.D., who was an expert on permanent fillers, was found dead in his home on December 6, 2016. The police and OM are silent. Stephan Nossbaum, Paris Melis and M.D x together did underground research on the PFs. Stephan Nossbaum, Paris Meliswaren were good friends and both were former commandos/reservists. In the cosmetic television program of RTL4 in January 2018, Paris Melis spoke briefly about PF fillers, but the scientific data on PFs could not be presented nationally by Paris Melis.
Stephan Nossbaum, Paris Melis and M.D x intellectually claimed the 6 syndromes resulting from permanent fillers in 2015. The IGJ is a criminal organization that puts itself above the law and certainly does not think and act in the interest of healthcare! Research!
Photo below is in memorial Dr. Paris Melis, Plastic Surgeon.
14. blackmailing of the GP H by IGJ inspector drs. frank Neefjes
The blackmailing by IGJ Inspector Neefjes of the GP about his patient Nossbaum, J v d H regarding the professional secrecy of GP J v d Horst about the GP file and the reporting of which specialist(s) Nossbaum was being treated.
A criminal act: Violation of professional secrecy by GP J v d H, through compelling blackmail ( and a punishment extortion to close a a general practitioner’s practice Article 317 of the Criminal Code ).
The blackmail of GP J v d H, Nossbaum’s general practitioner, by IGJ senior inspector Neefjes is punishable under criminal law (Article 318 of the Criminal Code.).
Criminal Code Blackmail (Article 318): Blackmail, also known as extortion, is coercing someone to do or refrain from doing something by threatening to disclose information that could be detrimental or harmful to the victim.The maximum penalty for blackmail is four years’ imprisonment and/or a fifth-category fine.
Dutch: Dhr nossbaum komt op SU, graag inzage in contacten met medisch tuchtcollege, heeft namelijk vernomen dat er later ook nog contact is geweest met IGZ in de vorm van inspecteur de heer F. Neefjes. hij wil graag kopie uit dossier van dit contact. Is ook van mening dat dit contact niet had mogen plaatsvinden omdat hier geen toestemming voor was.
Stephan nog even gesproken: toegelicht dat ik aan alle kanten Stephan steun en mijn geloof in de patient ook overgebracht heb aan de inspectie.
Ik had geen toestemming om Neefjes (klagende partij medisch tuchtcollege) te woord te staan blijkt terwijl ik uitging van het verlengde van de toestemming die ons was gegeven om te verklaren dat mijn verklaring authentiek was.
Door Neefjes ernstig onder druk gezet (belang HA praktijk werd door Neefjes genoemd). Dwingend en dreigend om de naam van zijn neuroloog te geven. Ik had volgens Stephan de naam van zijn specialist niet mogen melden.
Huisarts Jos v d Horst zat in spagaat en heeft beroepsgeheim geschonden. Het gesprek tussen Neefjes en Jos v d H. vond plaats vanuit huis waarbij H.A. in bed lag na liesbreukoperatie.
English: Mr Nossbaum comes to SU, would like to inspect contacts with the disciplinary board, because he has heard that there was also contact with IGZ later in the form of inspector of the IGJ mr F. Neefjes. he would like a copy of the file of this contact. Is also of the opinion that this contact should not have taken place because there was no permission for this.
I spoke to Stephan briefly: explained that I support Stephan on all sides and have also conveyed my belief in the patient to the inspection.
It turns out that I did not have permission to speak to Neefjes (complaining party’s medical disciplinary court) while I relied on the extension of the permission that had been given to us to declare that my statement was authentic.
Severely pressured by Neefjes to mention the importance and consequences of GP practice were mentioned by Neefjes.
Forceful and threatening to give the name of his specialist. According to Stephan, I should not have reported the name of his specialist.
General practitioner Jos v d Horst was in a split and violated professional secrecy. The conversation between Neefjes and J. v dH took place from home while HA was in bed after inguinal hernia surgery.
The blackmailing by IGJ Senior Inspector Neefjes of the GP about his patient Nossbaum, J v d H regarding the professional secrecy of GP J v d Horst about the GP file and the reporting of which specialists Nossbaum was being treated.
A criminal act: Violation of professional secrecy by GP J v d H, through compelling blackmail ( and a punishment extortion to close a general practitioner’s practice NL Article 317 of the Criminal Code ).
The blackmail of GP J v d H, Nossbaum’s general practitioner, by IGJ senior inspector Neefjes is punishable under criminal law (Article 318 of the Criminal Code.).
Criminal Code Blackmail (Article 318): Blackmail, also known as extortion, is forcing someone to do or refrain from doing something by threatening to disclose information that could be detrimental or harmful to the victim. The maximum penalty for blackmail is four years’ imprisonment and/or a fifth-category fine.
Drs. F. Neefjes, IGJ senior inspector, stated during a first meeting, in the presence of IGJ senior Inspector Mrs. mr. F.D.M.ten Cate-Adema (senior legal advisor), that the IGJ is “above the law”.
Police Inspector J. Bezemer and Nossbaum believe that the IGJ is “above the law”, as a standard, extremely worrying.
Other examples show that this “standard is standard. It sets a precedent that the Constitution in the Netherlands is ignored by the IGJ.
With far-reaching consequences (See above TOS 1 role of IGJ on Contaminated Medicines and what the consequences are (have been) for patients. The above comment is just an example that the IGJ is criminally reprehensible and acts according to the above standard.
Huisarts Jos van der Horst to break his medical confidentiality and release Nossbaum’s GP file, and the way in which Neefje’s GP Jos van der Horst blackmailed and extorted (in the sense that practice damage by the IGJ could lead to a lot of financial damage and possible closure of the GP practice) are disgusting.
Jos van der Horst was put under heavy pressure by IGJ inspector Neefjes.
Compelling and threatening to give the name of his specialist. According to Stephan, I should not have reported the name of his specialist. General practitioner Jos vd H was in a split and has twice violated his professional confidentiality.
1) G.P. Jos van der Horst should have immediately stopped this conversation despite blackmail and indirect extortion,
2) G.P. Jos van der Horst should never have given information about his patient Nossbaum to Mr. Neefjes. GP was emphatically aware that the IGJ was the complaining party.
An interesting detail is that the chairman of the Medical Disciplinary Board, Mrs. Mr. M.M.M.A. Schreuder, also GP J. J. v d H, has approached for the accuracy of medical information. (Nossbaum should also have given permission to his GP in advance. Mr. Schreuder is also a criminal judge and was emphatically aware that approaching a GP without first obtaining permission from the patient is not allowed.
Nossbaum’s lawyer, Mr. Bram Jansen, was ’too late’ to challenge the board, given the bias of the chairman of the Medical Disciplinary Board. The police inspector had previously expressed his concerns about this lawyer’s tame defense. You must remain on good terms with the IGJ, a law firm is more important than a client.
The blackmail by IGJ Senior Inspector Drs. Frank Neefjes of general practitioner Jos van der Horst to break his medical confidentiality file on his patient Nossbaum is criminal. And to force Jos van der Horst which specialist(s) Nossbaum was being treated by, is absurd and a contradiction in terminis, considering the very precise articles of the IGJ. Be aware that
The blackmail by IGJ Inspector Neefjes of the GP about his patient Nossbaum, J v d H regarding the professional secrecy of GP J v d Horst about the GP file and the reporting of which neurologist Nossbaum was being treated.
A criminal act: Violation of professional secrecy by GP J v d H, through compelling blackmail ( and a punishment extortion to close a general practitioner’s practice NL Article 317 of the Criminal Code ).
Police Inspector J. Bezemer and Nossbaum believe that the IGJ is “above the law”, as a standard, extremely worrying.
Other examples show that this “standard is standard. It sets a precedent that the Constitution in the Netherlands is ignored by the IGJ.
GP J v d H spoke to Stephan briefly: explained that I support Stephan on all sides and have also conveyed my faith in the patient to the inspection.
According to Stephan, I should not have reported the name of his specialist. The conversation took place from home where I was in bed after inguinal hernia surgery. Such a letter must be discussed with the patient. A copy has been sent to Mr Neefjes.
Spoke to Stephan briefly: explained that I support Stephan on all sides and have also conveyed my belief in the patient to the inspection. it turns out that I did not have permission to speak to Neefjes (complaining party, medical disciplinary board), while I relied on the extension of the permission that had been given to us to declare that my statement was authentic. Severely pressured by Neefjes, the importance/consequences of our GP practice was mentioned by Neefjes.
Forceful and threatening to give the name of his specialist. According to Stephan, I should not have mentioned the name of his specialist. General practitioner Jos v d Horst was in a split and violated his professional secrecy twice.
1) J should have immediately ended this conversation despite blackmail and indirect extortion,
2) J should never have given information about his patient Nossbaum to Mr. Neefjes. GP was emphatically aware that the IGJ was the complaining party.
An interesting detail is that the chairman of the Medical Disciplinary Court, Mrs. M.M.M.A. Schreuder, also approached G.P. J v d Horst for the accuracy of medical information. (Nossbaum should also have given permission in advance to his GP. Mrs. Schreuder was/is an experienced judge and was aware that approaching a general practitioner without first obtaining permission from the patient is not permitted.
Nossbaum’s lawyer, Mr. Bram Jansen, was ’too late’ to challenge the medical disciplinary court, given the bias of the chairman of the Medical Disciplinary Board. The police inspector had previously expressed concerns about this lawyer’s tame defense. You must remain on good terms with the IGJ, a law firm is more important than a client.
Note 1):
Extortion and blackmail are serious crimes within Dutch criminal law in which someone is forced to hand over something of value by means of violence, threats or blackmail. These crimes are regulated in Articles 317 and 318 of the Dutch Criminal Code (Sr). Extortion and extortion are closely related, but differ in certain respects, such as the means used and the circumstances. What is extortion according to the Dutch Criminal Code? Extortion is defined in Article 317 of the Dutch Criminal Code as forcing another person to hand over money or goods by means of violence or the threat of violence. Extortion always involves a violent or threatening nature, in which the victim is put under pressure to hand over something of value to the perpetrator. The article of the law is as follows: He who, with the intention of unlawfully benefiting himself or another, by means of violence or the threat of violence forces someone either to surrender any property that belongs in whole or in part to him or to a third party, or to incur a debt or cancel a debt, or to make data available, is, as guilty of extortion, punishable by a prison sentence of up to nine years or a fine of the fifth category. He who exercises the coercion referred to in the first paragraph by threatening that data stored by means of an automated work will be made unusable or inaccessible or will be erased shall be punished with the same punishment. The provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article 312 apply to this offence. What is extortion according to the Criminal Code? Threats, described in article 318 of the Dutch Criminal Code, concern forcing someone to hand over an asset, but in this case this is done by means of a form of threat other than violence, such as blackmail or threatening to disclose damaging information. Threats can therefore occur without direct physical violence, but by abusing a weak position of the victim. The article of the law is as follows: He who, with the intention of unlawfully benefiting himself or another, by threatening with defamation, libel or disclosure of a secret forces someone either to hand over any asset that belongs in whole or in part to that person or to a third party, or to incur a debt or cancel a debt, or to make data available, is guilty of threats of threats and is punishable by a prison sentence of up to four years or a fine of the fifth category. If the act is committed with the intention of preparing or facilitating a terrorist offence, the prison sentence imposed for the act is increased by one third. This crime will not be prosecuted unless the person against whom it was committed complains Sentencing Article 317 of the Dutch Criminal Code states that extortion is punishable by a prison sentence of up to nine years or a fine of the fifth category. Article 318 of the Dutch Criminal Code imposes a prison sentence of up to four years or a fine of the fourth category for extortion. Both articles emphasize the seriousness of the crime and the impact on the victim. For both facts, (severe) prison sentences can be imposed and various factors play a role in this. It therefore depends on the circumstances of the case, such as; the person of the suspect, the circumstances under which the act was committed, and judgments in comparable cases. Conclusion Extortion and extortion are serious crimes that are characterized by forcing another person to hand over something of value by means of violence, threats or blackmail. According to Articles 317 and 318 of the Dutch Criminal Code, these crimes can lead to prison sentences of up to nine and four years respectively. It is important to contact a criminal lawyer in a timely manner if you are confronted with a suspicion of intimidation and/or extortion.
15. "detailed hunt" on Nossbaum.
The Story of The Hurricane IGJ Inspector Frank Neefjes “detailed hunt” on Nossbaum.
M.D S. Nossbaum has 3 Master (Drs) Degrees, in Medicine (1994), Dentistry (1988) and (Clinical) 1982 Psychology.
Stephan-Halle Nossbaum is:
Senior M.D. Oral Medicine: Together with two Plastic Surgeons, he removes where possible older permanent filler parts out of the face of patiënts and reconstruct the face if necessary. The 6 Permanent Filler Syndromes are intelectually claimed by Stephan Nossbaum (2015).
Drs. Dentistry: Craniomaxillo-Facial (Head/Neck) Surgeon (M.D – 2022) Focus areas are traumatology, oncology, cleft palates and chronical head/neck pain treatment.
Drs. Psychology (old Clinical Psychologist ) Healthcare-Psychologist/ Psychoanalyst.
Stephan Nossbaum is no longer working in the Netherlands due to IGJ (before IGZ).
Stephan Nossbaum is doing his PhD research concerning older permanent filler patiënts (longer than six years). It’s a cohort randomized study.
Stephan Nossbaum’s other areas of focus are ALS, Lyme Disease, Astrocytomas and severe PTSS.
As early as 1990, Stephan Nossbaum and Prof. Dr. Dick Muller Craniomaxillo-facial surgeon (UMC Utrecht) found a new medical ocean for diagnosing patients. They developed a new multidimensional diagnosis technique that puts severe chronic pain patients in particular, but also chronic (autoimmune) diseases, in a completely different perspective. Nossbaum is averse to unifocal medicine, which is now fully on the rise.
Stephan Nossbaum works together with Follow The Money (FTM) ,the Assiosiation of Independeble Journalists and De Andere Krant.nl (the OtherPaper.nl)
Declaration police inspector Mr. Jan Bezemer published 11-12-2021
If you ask me to what extent I am aware of not being able to do a declaration of criminal offenses against Mr Nossbaum, I can explain the consequences of this.
“I have known Mr. Nossbaum for many years because we share the same interests, namely music and sports. That’s how I knew and know that Mr Nossbaum was involved during conversations with him and that he was affected by the healthcare inspection on a number of complaints submitted to him in his act as a MD.
He has asked me several times about crimes committed against him and how to act. This he did, because I have been working as a police detective for 37 years, in various functions, at the moment as police inspector at the police academy.
He, and his wife, Mrs van Dijk, are more threatened with a crime against life. Among other things, in receiving a bulletin letter. In addition, there have been several destructions committed to the home and cars. Intentional car screws have also been removed from his car, causing a very serious accident with severe bodily injury from Mr. Nossbaum. When Mr Nossbaum tried to declare this, declarations were ignored systematically, or the declaration was dismissed after a short period of time without thorough investigation. This course of affairs has greatly embarrassed me.
Last year, I contacted Mr Nossbaum with a senior police officer of the Hague Police Unit to advise him and make it possible to declare there. However, after a long time, the answer came to the conclusion that the cases were “politically sensitive” and no declaration has been received. It has not become clear what was the underlying cause.
I know that M.D Nossbaum is a brave, caring and very knowledgeable (three times Master graduated) M.D and he has conflicts with the IGJ in the Netherlands about seven serious cases.

In addition, the extremely damaging newspapers have appeared on him in the Telegraph and the Algemeen Dagblad and social media have greatly contributed to demonizing M.D Nossbaum. If you can not declare any harm, defamation or insult, your name is damaged for a lifetime and you can not refute it. Therefore, I do not think it’s possible to remove these articles from Google and the Internet.
A number of years ago, at the request of Mr Nossbaum, I had a conversation between Mr Nossbaum and his wife, including Mr inspector Neefjes IGJ , inspector and Mrs Ten Cate-Adema (IGJ) at the IGZ. Mr Neefjes has conducted a preliminary investigation into a complaint against Mr Nossbaum in connection with his and “involvement” in the illness of his mother-in-law. The medical disciplinary committee was only of the opinion that Mr Nossbaum should not have prescribed medication without the GP, despite an urgent request from family and his mother-in-law. Even though Nossbaum had followed all medical protocols and informed consent existed.
I could not and cannot have the impression that there was already much prejudice from IGZ inspector Frank Neefjes about Mr Nossbaum’s negligent “doing” and the lack of a formal complaint, there was a high degree of bias towards Mr Nossbaum. I responded to this during the conversation.
The statement by Mr. Neefjes that the IGJ is above the law was remarkable. An example is that Mr. Neefjes approached Mr. Nossbaum’s general practitioner and, through blackmail, gave the general practitioner the name of Mr. Nossbaum’s treating neurologist (See car “incident” of Mr Nossbaum).
IGJ inspector Frank Neefjes is guilty of abuse of power and the misdemeanor: ‘Serious transgressive behavior in his obsession to literally and figuratively destroy M.D Nossbaum in his existence. Mr. Neefjes failed and the IGJ failed.
The IGJ can close any practice / private clinic / hospital with immediate effect on the basis of IGZ articles!
The most bizarre IGJ article example was article 38 of the then IGJ(Z), that everyone was allowed to inject permanent fillers in the face, provided that it was under the responsibility of a M.D!
The IGJ makes health care in the Netherlands seriously unhealthy and as an institution is therefore a contradiction in terms. Article 38 of the IGZ at the time is the ultimate shadow of this non-functioning organ.
Most M.D’s are afraid of the IGJ!
In conclusion, We have the opinion that there is an inextricable connection between the inability to make reports to the police, the Public Prosecution Service and the IGJ, the way in which cases have ended to the detriment of M.D Nossbaum.
The current “settlement” provable of criminal offenses (cover up matter), brought to the attention of the above-mentioned authorities by M.D Nossbaum are deplorable and seriously affect the health care system!
The entanglements of political interests with the cosmetic and pharmacological industry, as well as the sexual abuse of young children in the Netherlands, make M.D Stephan Nossbaum a whistle blower and political dissident.
The police, the Public Prosecution Service, the IGJ and politicians have failed.
We can prove this fact after fact.
The use of social media by the above-mentioned agencies such as unverified newspaper reports is the way to damage the vulnerable profession such as M.D’s. In this case it is M.D. Stephan Nossbaum.
In conclusion, We have the opinion that there is an inextricable connection between the inability to make reports to the police, the Public Prosecution Service and the IGJ, the way in which cases have ended to the detriment of M.D Nossbaum.
The current “settlement” provable of criminal offenses (cover up matter), brought to the attention of the above-mentioned authorities by M.D Nossbaum are deplorable and seriously affect the health care system!
The entanglements of political interests with the cosmetic and pharmacological industry, as well as the sexual abuse of young children in the Netherlands, make M.D Stephan Nossbaum beside a whistleblower also a political dissident.
The use of social media by the above-mentioned agencies such as unverified newspaper reports is the way to damage the vulnerable profession such as M.D’s. In this case it also concerns M.D Stephan Nossbaum.
The IGJ makes health care in the Netherlands seriously unhealthy and as an institution is therefore a contradiction in terms.
Article 38 of the IGZ at the time is the ultimate shadow of this non-functioning organ, which all doctors are afraid of! Because of this article 38 there was a mandate that led to thousands of permanent filler victims/patients in the Netherlands between 1995 and 2015.
The IGJ knew the danger of permanent fillers in 2009 without consequences! Despite of hundreds of complaints or permanent filler patients who vented their complaints to the IGZ.
The use of social media by the above-mentioned agencies such as unverified newspaper reports is the way to damage the vulnerable profession such as doctors. In this case it also concerns M.D Stephan Nossbaum.
The beloved G.P Nico Tromp and his family from Tuitjenhorn in the Netherlands, the IGJ, in collaboration with all Dutch TV broadcasters and newspapers, unfoundedly ensured that G.P Tromp was scandalized nationwide and portrayed as a murderer. The consequences were dramatic for G.P Nico Tromp, his wife, children and the village of Tuitjenhorn. Nico Tromp was unable to live with his professional “life” afterwards due to the criminal consequences generated by the IGJ.
Later at the European Court it appeared (and from forensic anesthetic research) that G.P Tromp had indeed acted correctly.
The IGJ has never apologized.
Note 1): A psychoanalytic review: ‘The wife of G.P. Tromp wife Anneke Tromp went posthumously to the Court of Justice of the European Union. There, GP Tromp was completely acquitted and all articles of the IGJ were refuted. After this period the son of Anneke Tromp ended his life too. He was 17 years old. The IGJ did not humble himself and there were no apologies from the IGJ. The IGJ inspector Frank Neefjes “philosophical fact”: “We are above the law” shows how little Neefjes knows about philosophy. When he ventures outside his safe articles, he stumbles over his own philosophical “fact” of “we are above the law”. Frank Neefjes seriously commits transgressive behavior (as it is written, outside this context, journalists would immediately think sexually transgressive behavior) by blackmailing a GP (practice). Apparently Neefjes needs his articles to sublimate his drifts. Neefjes has been guilty of blackmail and psychological extortion within the criminal code. Nossbaum has never committed a sexually transgressive offence. Nossbaum was the archive keeper of a very serious multiple sexual abuse of four very young children. These types of very serious offences cannot expire. From 2003 to the present, the IGJ has looked the other way. These offences may extend to the top of the Ministry of Security and Justice.
Sentence uttered by IGJ inspector Frank Neefjes: “We are above the law” indicates how dangerous and destructive this IGJ institute is and the alliance with the foundation for victims of cosmetic doctors, SSCA, is a logical consequence. They both do the same!
Psychoanalyst Stephan Nossbaum played “a game of chess”, mainly against Frank Neefjes. (Sidewise, 6 other inspectors were involved, including the Inspector General of the IGJ). Nossbaum managed to spend this inspector’s lifetime on a telephone book thick articles and civil service files and let this inspector made a serious crime, by blackmailing and abuse of power against Nossbaum’s GP in his emotional psychoanalytic transference urge to nail M.D Nossbaum.
Note 1):

16. The scientifically verifiable made-up Telegraaf/AD page (Also digital version)two most read newspapers in the Netherlands .
The scientifically verifiable newspaper articles published in De Telegraaf page by page by Ron Kouwenhoven and Iris Cohen (De Telegraaf) and Ivar Penris (Algemeen Dagblad) are not objective journalistic articles and have not been tested against provable facts. The professional damage and private damage are enormous. The positions taken in advance by these journalists form the basis of the demonstrably serious libel and slander.
The two-page articles in large Saturday editions in De Telegraaf are scientifically and journalistically incorrect.
Journalist Ivar Penris goes even further by also publicly displaying a photo of Nossbaum with a black bar over his eyes.
Nowadays there is nothing easier than to seriously damage a BIG registered doctor, both nationally and worldwide.
By publishing on Google and in newspapers, the IGJ in collaboration with journalists sentence a doctor to life imprisonment invisible worldwide.
This has enormous negative consequences for a doctor privately and professionally.
The premature use of (social) media by the IGJ played a major role in this!
It’s one of the patents of the IGJ’s!
IGJ is The Inspection of Healthcare and Youth.
It also happened to GP Tromp from Tuitjehoorn
The IGJ prematurely informed national newspapers and the news via the main television channels.
Without first conducting a thorough investigation, starting a medical disciplinary procedure and waiting for the verdict.
The great media outcry by the IGJ concerning Huisarts Tromp caused GP Tromp to desperately end his shattered life.
This action by the IGJ hovers between assassination and character assassination. General practitioner Tromp left behind a widow and three children.
The European Court exonerated GP Tromp posthumously!
The IGJ is 100% responsible for the death (murder/character assassination and suicide) of this beloved GP from the small village of Tuitjehoorn.
The IGJ has never expressed any regrets
This method of the IGJ has also happened to me.
General practitioner Tromp has also been spared a lot.
The Telegraaf journalists Ron Couwennhoven and Iris Cohen of the Telegraaf and journalist Ivar Penris of the Algemeen Dagblad must take their responsibility.
My scientific files with irrefutable factual evidence have never been requested from me by them.
I have kept all files accurately, in detail and transparently.
Iris Cohen is demonstrably guilty of serious cofabulating, a mortal sin in journalism.
All files can be viewed, listened to and viewed by investigative journalists.
Photo (1) journalist Iris Cohen, who makes up facts (cofabulates*), and is guilty of libel and slander.
*Hear sound fragment Dirk van Beerschoten te Groenekan about a fabricated interview with the main victim and witness A.D in the sexual abuse of four young children)
Photo (2) Ivar Penris (2) of the Algemeen Dagblad (after this AD) (A much read, also on the Internet, Dutch newspaper), under false pretenses a damning “interview” about Nossbaum with full first and last name in the AD has have it published.
Ivar Penris has used a picture of Nossbaum with a black bar over the eyes to make Nossbaum even more like a criminal and to damage it.
The photo comes from a party when Nossbaum’s mother-in-law W. van Dijk turned eighty (2008). The party was celebrated in Nossbaum’s garden
Ad van Dijk and his brother Jaap van Dijk, both brothers-in-law of Nossbaum, were correspondingly present at this party with all children/grandchildren and it forms a contradiction interlines with the statements in the Telegraaf by Ad van Dijk (See Ad van Dijk section of this site ).
Photo (1) journalist Iris Cohen, who makes up facts (cofabulates*), and is guilty of libel and slander.
*Hear sound fragment Dirk van Beerschoten at Groenekan about a fabricated interview with the main victim and witness A.D in the sexual abuse of four young children, see TOS 3)